Monday, October 27, 2008

Her first word is....

DOGGIE!!! She has been saying it for a while now and will point and say "doggie" when she sees one walk by the house. I am hoping momma isn't going to be too far down on her list of first words:-)
Here is a video of her enjoying her Baby Einstein, Neighborhood Animals DVD!


Anonymous said...

That's an awesome first word! :-)
and she's an excellent dancer! lol
How sweet!

Meggan said...

What a biggie girl she is!!! Oooohhhhh-hey Miss Z!

Amy said...

Doggie is a GREAT first word:) She has gotten so big and is still absolutely adorable!!! Glad you are both doing well.


kelly and jay said...

too should get your baby a real doggie

A brief bio: said...

So cute! That girl can cut a rug. Crystal

Anonymous said...

How fun is she. A little animal lover.

Chris said...

Sweet . Hey I have doggie for sale you know :)
She is gorgeous again !!

Kristine said...

Too cute!


Aunt Theresa said...

She's got rhythm! She's got rhythm! So cute!!! Thanks for sharing with us Lisa! Can't wait to see you little girl!!